Bryum alpinum

Alpine Thread-moss

Bryum alpinum and stonewort

It was the vivid colour that caught my eye as I pottered about among the rocks beside Kilmory bay, Ardnamurchan.

Bryum alpinum clump

Close up, I could see that the strong red of the nerve added to the reddish tint of the leaves.  It’s an extremely beautiful moss, especially when glistening in the sunshine.

Bryum alpinum close 2

Although its name implies high mountains, the book reassured me that it isn’t a particularly alpine moss.  It’s commonest in the north and west.  There are green forms, and some of the red shoots I looked at had some green leaves.

When dry, it loses its shine and closes up.

Bryum alpinum dry

Under the microscope I could see that the red nerve slightly protrudes at the tip of the leaf, and the cells are long and narrow.

under microscope

It had quite a Christmassy look, when the sun hit the microscope!

Pictures: Kilmory, Ardnamurchan, August 2019


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